Initial PETE Standard 5

Standard 5: Impact on Student Learning

Physical Education teacher candidates utilize assessments and reflection to foster student learning and inform instructional decisions.

Artifact 1: Analysis of Results for Statistics Presentation

5.2: Use appropriate assessments to evaluate student learning before, during, and after instruction.

In PED 434 Statistics and Assessment we were required to teach two lessons within our group and use assessment to come up with results for our class.  We used heart rate monitors and pedometers to record their heart rates and step counts throughout the lessons as well as gave a pre and post assessment to see how much the students learned.  We then put these results into graphs and reflected upon them.

These assessments and results showed that students actually did better on the pre assessment, but were very close to their grades on the post assessment.  We also concluded that psychomotor grades were the same and the cognitive grades were overall better on the pre assessment.

Using assessments to evaluate students learning is important for a physical educator because it allows the teacher to know where their students started and what they have learned throughout a unit.  Giving assessments allows for more accurate grading for students as well.

Click here to view artifact 1, Analysis of Results

Artifact 2: 355 Curriculum Project

 5.2: Use appropriate assessments to evaluate student learning before, during, and after instruction.

In PED 434 Statistics and Assessment we were required to teach two lessons within our group and use assessment to come up with results for our class.  We used heart rate monitors and pedometers to record their heart rates and step counts throughout the lessons as well as gave a pre and post assessment to see how much the students learned.  We then put these results into graphs and reflected upon them.

These assessments and results showed that students actually did better on the pre assessment, but were very close to their grades on the post assessment.  We also concluded that psychomotor grades were the same and the cognitive grades were overall better on the pre assessment.

Using assessments to evaluate students learning is important for a physical educator because it allows the teacher to know where their students started and what they have learned throughout a unit.  Giving assessments allows for more accurate grading for students as well.

Click here for artifact 2, 355 Curriculum Project