Initial PETE Standard 1

Standard 1: Scientific and Theoretical Knowledge

Physical education teacher candidates know and apply discipline-specific scientific and theoretical concepts critical to the development of physically educated individuals.

Artifact 1: EXS Powerpoint Presentation

1.1: Describe and apply physiological and biomechanical concepts related to skillful movement, physical activity and fitness.

In this presentation, we talked about the effect of heading in middle school aged soccer players.  We discussed that it leads to traumatic brain injuries that can be detrimental to a developing brain, and that the biggest issue is that it is not being performed correctly.  When performed correctly, heading is not harmful. 

The results of this presentation show that in middle school aged students, heading can be extremely harmful when performed incorrectly.  It can cause concussions (traumatic brain injury) that can lead to problems later on in life.

Being able to take different skills and movements and apply them to different physiological and biomechanical concepts is important as an educator because it means you know your information well enough to teach your students why and how these movements are performed, and how it can help them.  It also allows you to know what kind of movements and/or skills are good for certain age and developmental levels.

Artifact 2: Motor Development Lab

1.1: Describe and apply physiological and biomechanical concepts related to skillful movement, physical activity and fitness.

In this presentation, we talked about the effect of heading in middle school aged soccer players.  We discussed that it leads to traumatic brain injuries that can be detrimental to a developing brain, and that the biggest issue is that it is not being performed correctly.  When performed correctly, heading is not harmful. 

The results of this presentation show that in middle school aged students, heading can be extremely harmful when performed incorrectly.  It can cause concussions (traumatic brain injury) that can lead to problems later on in life.

Being able to take different skills and movements and apply them to different physiological and biomechanical concepts is important as an educator because it means you know your information well enough to teach your students why and how these movements are performed, and how it can help them.  It also allows you to know what kind of movements and/or skills are good for certain age and developmental levels.

Click here for artifact 2, Motor Development Lab