Initial PETE Standard 3

Standard 3: Planning and Instruction

Physical education teacher candidates plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local state, and national standards to address the diverse needs of all students.

Artifact 1: Individualized Education Program

3.5: Plan and adapt instruction for diverse student needs, adding specific accommodations and/or modifications for student exceptionalities.

Within this education program we were expected to give a present level of performance as well as goals and objectives for the student within the time frame of the program.  We also had to give health and behavioral considerations and identify needs and services that could be given as they move into adulthood.

This individualized education program for my student showed that he was at a high level of performance in the pool, but still had plenty of room for improvement.  He could be put into a regular physical education class if needed, but he really needed to be in a one-on-one setting for greatest success. 

Planning and adapting instruction for different student’s needs is important as an educator because none of your students will be the same.  Some may progress faster then others, and you may have one or more adapted students in your physical education classes.  As a teacher you need to be able to accommodate to students needs in order for them to be as successful as possible

Artifact 2: Lab C Packet from 255

3.1: Design and implement short and long-term plans that are linked to program and instructional goals as well as a variety of student needs.

Our Lab C was our international lab where we taught an activity that originated in a different country.  My partner and I taught Netball from Australia, and we put together a packet with a block plan, task progressions, and an example homework assignment.

Within the packet, the block plan goes over the warm-up, instant activity, lesson, assessment, and closure over a period of 8 days.  There is also an activity progression sheet showing the different tasks performed each day and how the students can be challenged as well.

Being able to design plans both short and long-term with a variety of student needs in mind is important as a physical educator because preparation is the key to being organized and ready as a teacher.  You need to always have lessons and units planned, as well as assessments and challenges depending on student’s abilities.  Changes will always need to be made, but coming in every day with a plan is one of the many things that makes you a good teacher.